1500 V PV modules for Large String Size Saving BOS Cost
Lowered Cell Resistance 4 times Less Resistive Loss
Split Cell Design Lowered Heat Losses
Higher Bus Bars Higher Current Carrying Capacity
Split Segment Design Better Shading Tolerence
Module Efficiency
Module Power Range: 420-450 Wp
Efficiency Up to 20.71%
Power Tolerance: +4.95 Watt
PID Resistant
Salt Mist & Ammonia corrosion Resistant
Design & Safety Qualified
Monoperc Halfcut Series PV Modules are perfect for Large Scale Ground-mounted Installations. Due to lowered internal losses and higher power density, it saves BOS costs for Large Solar installations.
Exceptional performance in NOCT & STC conditions. Better shading tolerance and performance at low irradiation conditions make it the perfect choice for utility-scale solar Power Projects.