Polycrystalline Series

Polycrystalline Series

Salt Mist, Corrosion

Anti PID
Lower Degradation

1500 V PV modules for Large
String Size Saving BOS Cost

Polycrystalline Series PV Modules are perfect for Residential and Low scale Solar Installations.
It has the best low irradiance performance and lower temperature coefficient.
Excellent performance even at Nominal Operating Cell Temperatures.

Module Efficiency

  • Module Power Range: 320-350 Wp
  • Efficiency Up to 17.88%
  • Power Tolerance: +4.95 Watt


  1. PID Resistant Salt
  2. Mist & Ammonia corrosion Resistant
  3. Design & Safety Qualified

Polycrystalline Series PV Modules are Available in DCR & Non-DCR

Suitable For,

Residential Solar

Solar Irrigation

Small Scale Solar